Article 176 of the Constitution establishes the County Assembly which shall consist of members elected by the registered voters of the wards; each ward constituting a single member constituency, on the same day as a general election of Members of Parliament, being the second Tuesday in August, in every fifth year;
The number of special seat members necessary to ensure that no more than two-thirds of the membership of the Assembly are of the same gender; the number of members of marginalized groups, including persons with disabilities and the youth, prescribed by an Act of Parliament; and the Speaker, who is an ex-officio member.
The County Assembly is the Legislative arm of the County Government responsible for the formulation of laws that regulate the conduct and activities within the County and provide oversight.
County Assembly of Kisumu comprises of 35 elected and 12 nominated Members of the County Assembly (MCA’s) who sit on various committees of the Assembly.
Committees of the Assembly are essentially the engine rooms of the Assembly.
They enable the Assembly to consider matters before it thoroughly before resolutions are made at the Plenary.